Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Christians Having Sex - lots of Buzz

Lots of stories lately about Christian Sex. My favorite is that Rev. Ted Haggard and his spiritual advisors announce that he is not gay. He does not know why his male sex prostitute Mike Jones kept having sex with him for three years. He was only paying for a massage and some illegal drugs but each time his penis kept being grabbed and winding up in some unChristian places. He would go back later to tell Mike he was not gay but Mike was always too busy or had his mouth full to answer and then Ted would praise Jesus and fall asleep.

"My faith has cured me, not that I was ever gay you understand, and if Mike would please see me again we can both praise Jesus together."

One of the four ministers in charge of his rehabilitation, the Rev. Tim Ralph of Larkspur, said "He is completely heterosexual."

Another oversight board member, the Rev. Mike Ware of Westminster, said the group recommended Ted Haggard and his wife get out of town and study psychology.

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