I had a response from someone in the comments who claims to be the Lee Thompson referred to in the British press. From the response that could be possible. Rather than email a guy who seems to be an unpleasant character (surpise! are you as shocked as I am?) I tracked down some more local Gorean sex slave cult members.
Priestess Of Nothing releases a Gorean Panther Girl Photo.
What is a Panther Girl in Gor? - Artwork.
Wylde Wendy's experiences with the Colorado Gor Society. A little disturbing reading from the slave mindset. I may have to reread Time Enough For Love and Citizen of the Galaxy, or she should.
Of course, Salon has an article about Goreans - Chain Gang.
A major theme running through the Gor novels, and often echoed in Gor fandom, is that the free women secretly long to be owned by dominant and powerful men. "Slavery, of course, is the surest path by means of which a woman can discover her femininity," the author observes in "Magicians of Gor." "The paradox of the collar is the freedom which a woman experiences in at last finding herself, and becoming herself."Consider the people who are attracted to this lifestyle. The dissident Priestess of Nothing left because her master ordered her to be a slave to a woman. Let's see, if you have to obey your strong male master and he orders you to obey a female... must you obey? - "Oh my head hurts, won't some man come tell me what to do?"
On Gor, only the slave women completely indulge their sexuality; free women are supposed to maintain a chilly dignity. So if a free woman should make the error of behaving with less than Madonna-like circumspection (for example, by flirting too whorishly with a man), she has revealed her fundamental desire to submit to him -- her "instinctive" wish to be mere chattel at the man's mercy -- and thus forfeits her right to remain free. She's usually stripped of her face veils and slapped into chains forthwith.
I know I am over simplifying a complex situation but sometimes you need to solve a GORdian knot using Alexander's solution.
Silly wabbit. Trix are for kids and slavery is for those who can't handle freedom.
Simplicity and certitude seem to be particularly important needs for many people, especially in a society in the midst of cultural upheaval. A simple organizing principle like biological determinism or theological creationism can offer enormous comfort and sustenance to people struggling with personal dissatisfactions or intimate failures, or who are frustrated by the insignificance they have in the power structure of their society. - Julia GracenI'll second that for those slaves who don't believe women. When a man can expect to come home everyday to a beer, a home-cooked meal, his favorite show, a blowjob and gets to beat the women when she backtalks you know the fascist authoritarian male mind-control has worked. Don't you backtalk me now.
1 comment:
Hello Lemming,
One slight correction to your otherwise lovely article: The problem with submitting to a woman was that I was not a slave.
Free women in the Gorean lifestyle do not have Masters - male or female. Unless they're in a free companionship, which I was not as this particular individual already had a free companion.
Anyway, as a free woman, I was only to be respectful to the men, understanding that my freedom depended on them. I refused to be treated like a kajira, by him or his wife.
These two invite free women into their homes, telling them they will be respected as free women, only to treat them as slaves, and (in one case) ultimately "force collar" them. I am not the first woman to flee that house for these reasons, I doubt I will be the last.
Anyway, THAT is why I left.
Well, that and all the mental problems I found with the masters and kajirae. And the fact that the Gorean lifestyle is just a symptom of a larger societal problem. Well, that and that I cannot kneel to men who are terrified of women, who are winded upon walking from the kitchen to their easy chair, and yet call themselves the superior gender, "Masters" and naturalists.
Master desserts, then we can talk.
I do agree with you though, that slavery is for those who cannot handle freedom. However, I am not one of those. In general, women who weigh less than 200 lbs aren't. At least in my experience with Gorean society.
In the end, I really am a Gorean Panther Girl - I left the Goreans, I despise their society and want nothing to do with it. That's a panther girl for ya. :)
So, how about you do us both a favor and, just to save some time, shave that stripe down your head yourself. >:)
Thanks for the link. :)
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